
Amazon Satire

Huh, satire on product reviews on the Amazon website. Who knew? Well, my pal Erik did. They are very funny. Check them out:


My favorite is the review of the automatic kitty litter cleaner :)

After you read his reviews you should check out his website: joylessexistence.com

Also check out this short film from his website: http://joylessexistence.com/Various%20documents/2004/04-02-27/2%20Snow%20Is%20Falling.html


Friday's Ride

Yesterday I had the day off and decided to go mountain biking at Tiger Mountain. Well the trails were still wet from all the rain we had last week. I decided to just ride Iverson and bike out and have lunch at Poo Poo Point. Even though it was cloudy and cool it still was very nice to have lunch at a place with such a great view. The total ride distance came out to 19.7 miles. Along with steep road climbs, length, and the technical trail of Iverson I ended up having a good ride and a great workout.

I didn't see much wildlife on my ride. I did however see this wilddead:


Prague Photos

I've finally scanned my pictures from my trip to Prague. I went to Prague at the end of May 2002 to attend my friend Erik's wedding. I'm pleased to say that he continues his marriage with his wife Jana. Everyone else that married in my little group from college have divorced. So as you can understand I'm happy that he's still married, plus they are a nice couple too :). I will have pictures of the wedding and of Cesky Krumlov where they married later.

For now I hope that you enjoy the pics. Please let me know if you go to Prague so that you can smuggle me in your luggage ;)


Tic Toc. Tic Toc. I'm starting to go crazy waiting to hear back regarding my CPA exam results. I guess I'm getting anxious because the time window for my results has begun. It's been 33 days since I took the exam. Results are to be expected between 4 to 6 weeks after the exam. Tic Toc. Tic Toc.


Pictures for Sale

No, not my pictures (but you can contact me if you do want to buy some of mine).

There is this young woman named Coqui (Yes, I like her name too) that I have found much inspiration in photography by looking at her pictures on her blog. In fact her blog was one of the first that I looked at when I started my blog. I probably wouldn't have half of the pictures on my blog if I wasn't so inspired from her work.

I implore you to take a look at her pictures at her blog - http://tooeasilysatisfied.net. This girl has some awesome pictures that she is willing to sell to you! Unfortunately she is moving from Seattle back to Argentina where she is originally from and would like some income to help cover some of her moving expenses.


Tiger Home Commute *

Some of the perks of mountain biking at Tiger Mountain after work and then coming back home are views like these, a warm summer breeze from windows rolled down, and tunes a blaring on my stereo!

*(Pictures out of my car inspired by Sprizee. She just may have started a new sport!)


Tiger Mountain Revisited

Today I'm finally going to mountain bike at Tiger Mountain. It's been about 2 months since I've been there. I'm really excited to get back on the trails again.

I also want to take some more pictures so that I can create a collage with some 8x10 pictures. Has anyone had any experience with printing 8x10 pictures at any of the drugstore photo booths?


Back From St. Helens

The Saint Helens trip was awesome! The picture posted here is from a part of the trail (notice the little black dot at the top of the trail on the picture - that's one of the other riders!). The trail extends way beyond what you see here. I think that the ride was about 25 miles, out and back. I would have to say that this ride has been my favorite ride so far this year.

Not only were the views awesome, but there were about 20 of us that shared a great campsite alongside the Lower Falls of the Lewis River. Everyone in the camp was very cool. My favorite part of hanging out at the campsite was during the night sitting around a campfire drinking beer and cracking jokes. Another favorite was that on the top of the Lower Falls was a water hole that we jumped into after our rides - cool and refreshing.

Overall it was an experience that I won't forget and look forward to going out next year, hopefully with the same riders and some new riders too :)

1.) Dislocated my pinky finger, but quickly pulled it back into place so the swelling is minimal.
2.) Someone broke their ankle.


Mt. St. Helens

In a couple of hours I'm off for a 3-day weekend mountain biking/hiking/camping at Mt. St. Helens with a group of about 20 members of the BBTC. Jealous? You should be :D

What's that? Oh why yes we are going to have a burrito bar on Saturday night. That's right we are going to the Ape Caves afterwards......oh that could be interesting. No, I hope that someone does not light any flames either :P


G Is The Man!

Today my coworker, known as "G" by those in the know, brought back a box of Hombows for us in the office. He bought them at Yummy House Bakery - Go there and get some! mmm...Hombow.


Woo-hoo. Done with work. Time to go swimming :)


I decided to check out the downtown Seattle Library today after work. Nice, but I couldn't resist taking this photo thinking of Sprizee's blog-post :)


Mt. Si

Today my friend Erik and I hiked Mt. Si. The whole hike lasted about four hours. Fortunately we made it to the top to enjoy the views before the clouds rolled in. I'm sure both of us are going to be sore tomorrow but I think it was definetly worth it. If you haven't hiked this trail and would like to I would recommend that you be in good shape, bring lots of water, some food, and watch out for those damn deer-flys (little bastards will take a chunk out of you any chance they get).


I decided to go for a bike ride and a swim in Lake Washington tonight after work. Although it wasn't very hot out today the water felt great after a 7 mile bike ride warm-up. It's awesome how your body feels in the water, being able to float and move in no other ways you can on land. If you ever want something to do I highly recommend taking a swim over at Magnuson Park (life guards and showers available).


Views from West Seattle.

This morning I decided to drive by the house I spent the first couple of my years growing up in. It's located in West Seattle. The house is smaller then I remember it. It's also missing the red picket fence and apple tree in the front yard.

A Fire In My Neighborhood

I think the fire started just before midnight because that's when I first heard the sirens. I was just about ready to turn of my t.v. and go to bed when I heard the sirens. The sirens sounded really close so I looked out my living room window to see what was going on. I immediately saw smoke and flames rising up against the night sky. I wasn't really sure how far away the fire was. Maybe two or three blocks. I then thought that maybe Dante's was on fire. I grabed my camera, keys, cell, and wallet and decided to go check out what was on fire. This photo (my camera had problems adjusting so that's why the photo is bad) is a picture of a house that caught on fire right across the street from The Taste of India restaurant. I stuck around for awhile watching in disbelief at all of the chaos. The Fire Fighters seemed very calm and were conducting their business in what seemed like a very well organized fasion, which made me feel somewhat comforted. It's so scary to see a house burn down. I hope I never have to go through something like that. On a positive note, while I was there I saw the Fire Fighters rescue two dogs from a house next door, which was also starting to catch on fire. I hope that everyone is safe!