
Adios Dear Blogspot

Well I've finally learned enough to take the training wheels off, so I'm leaving Blogspot.

Blogspot has been good to me. However, I've grown and need something that can provide for all my needs and wants. Don't cry Blogspot...you'll always have a special place in my heart :)

Please visit me at my new photoblog: spectapelli.com





Woo Hoo....the day has finally come that I, yes I Lee White, have my very own Photoblog:

Please check it out at:


It's birthday is today...so I still need to do some careful tuning and refining to get it to look and feel the way I would like it :)


Picture Pages...

I've finally figured out how to redo my photo album website to make it more user friendly (I still need to clean up some links going back to the main page but I'll fix that later). Please feel free to check it out by clicking on my pictures above.

FYI...I'm still working on setting up my photoblog. Hopefully I'll have it up and running by this weekend :\


Seattle has snow!

Today is the first day of season that Seattle has had any snow that has stuck to the ground for any significant time. However, it's warming up and the snow is melting quickly :( I wish that it would stick so that I could go snow boarding around the hills here! Currently I am watching a crow playing with the snow on the roof next door. It looks like it's having fun and actually trying to make a snowball :) I like crows, they have this curiousness that is fun to observe.

BTW, I am still working on setting up my photoblog. I am struggling my way with learning how to install movable type. If anyone has any instructions I would greatly appreciate them!




It's Coming!

My very own photoblog website is coming soon :)

In the meantime check out my photo's by clicking on the banner "Naturally Flavored Personification" above.