I think the fire started just before midnight because that's when I first heard the sirens. I was just about ready to turn of my t.v. and go to bed when I heard the sirens. The sirens sounded really close so I looked out my living room window to see what was going on. I immediately saw smoke and flames rising up against the night sky. I wasn't really sure how far away the fire was. Maybe two or three blocks. I then thought that maybe Dante's was on fire. I grabed my camera, keys, cell, and wallet and decided to go check out what was on fire. This photo (my camera had problems adjusting so that's why the photo is bad) is a picture of a house that caught on fire right across the street from The Taste of India restaurant. I stuck around for awhile watching in disbelief at all of the chaos. The Fire Fighters seemed very calm and were conducting their business in what seemed like a very well organized fasion, which made me feel somewhat comforted. It's so scary to see a house burn down. I hope I never have to go through something like that. On a positive note, while I was there I saw the Fire Fighters rescue two dogs from a house next door, which was also starting to catch on fire. I hope that everyone is safe!