
Pool night and Zig Zag

Well last night after posting my blog I decided to go out down town to the Pike Pub & Brewery (http://www.merchantduvin.com/pages/3_pike_brewing/) and shoot some pool with some friends. I got to the pub a little late ~ 9:30 and the pub closes early at 11:30, so I only got to play 4 games of pool. It's been about a month since the last time I've played, and I've got to say that I did pretty well without having too much time to warm up. I won two games and was satisfied with that.

After pool we decided to end the night at Zig Zag Cafe (http://www.zigzagcafe.net/). Zig Zag Cafe has a great bunch of bartenders; Murray, one of the highest regarded bartender in Seattle; Ben and Kacy, co-owners; and Damon, which I haven't really talked to. The waitresses there a very attractive as well. It was a crowded night and full of positive attitude all around, so it was fun. Look forward to next time!


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