Bike Commute
I've been riding my bike into work the last two days (my car is in the shop until Thursday). I've got to say that it hasn't been to bad. It only takes me about 35 minutes to ride in and about 50 minutes to ride home.
The ride in is pretty nice. There isn't very much traffic to contend with, which is kinda surprising since part of my commute intersects downtown. Also there are other bike commuters too that I get to compete with, not officially but I like to pretend because I kick alot of ass...hehe.
The ride home isn't so bad either. The route that I take home is different from the one I take into work. The route home takes me along side the Downtown waterfront...which is pretty cool because I can see what's going on at the pier and along the park. The only downside is part of the route is on the road...meaning I have to contend with cars.
All in all commuting with my bike is pretty good....however I look forward to getting my car back.
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