
Up Into The Unknown

OK...OK....my last post was a bit laconic, sorry sorry...geesh.

Anyway I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Thanks again for the invite G.

Well, my hike up Granite Mountain was great. I got to the trail head about 9am and was the only person (I assume because there weren't any other cars parked at the trailhead). It was an awesome feeling to be on a trail that led up into a fog covered mountain being by myself.

There were several times where I felt fear and considered if I should turn around. Instead of acquiescing to my fears I used them as a tool to push forward. I like it when I'm in situations that I feel challenged and have the opportunity I can push myself beyond my comfort level. Well, trekking up a mountain on a trail I've never been on before, by myself, no one else that I knew of around, and heavy fog definitely put me outside of my comfort level. What an awesome experience :)

I made it near the top (I think) and decided to stop and have my lunch next to a small alpine pond. The snow was coming down at a pretty good rate so I decided to enjoy my lunch and discontinue my mission up the mountain. The reason why I decided not to continue was because I was concerned that the snow might cover up my tracks. I'll wait until the summer time, on a clear sunny day, to hike to the top.

Here's a video I took of the pond. The quality may not be too good because I had to reduce the quality for the web. Also, if it doesn't play well the first time, rewind and play again.

Here's a link to my photos.

Hope that everyone has a wonderful holiday!


At November 28, 2004 at 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a fantastic thing to do, this hike. I loved the film clip too...the choppy-ness and black and white made a real art piece of it. I watched it over and over.

I also had a looksie at your photos, and I think they are great photographs. Well done! I think you have a true talent for it.

Also, thanks for sharing your hike with us. Going ahead against fear is such a profound thing to do. Especially when it involves the outdoors. It seemed like a magical experience.

Until soon,



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