
OK....I now have officially spent way too much time on the computer today: Work 8hrs, Photoshop 3hrs, and posting blogs....well you get the idea! Tomorrow I'm going to take a break from Photoshop and posting so I don't burn myself out. I think I'll do some mountain biking after work. Hopefully I can switch my road tires to mountain bike tires tomorrow...maybe during lunch...hmmm :)

By the way....this was a picture I took on my way home from a coffee shop tonight. It's a biker gang's Vespas!


At July 15, 2004 at 8:44 AM, Blogger Stephen said...

Hey Lee,
Was that on Beacon Hill?

At July 15, 2004 at 8:51 AM, Blogger Lee said...

Hey Stephen,

This was in front of a cafe/restaurant near the Corner of Ravenna & Roosevelt, next to the Trading Musician.


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