
Finished Exam...

...and this is how I feel about it! First of all I almost missed the exam because I forgot to bring a stupid piece of paper with me that says I registered. (OK I thought this exam was supposed to be better because the format was computerized. Obviously some things have not yet changed for the better. I mean I did have my two required pieces of I.D. and they do have me in their computer system as registered....so what's the point of bringing in the piece of paper showing my registration #??? AARRRGGHH) Well, after I burned rubber (may have significantly exceeded the speed limit :O) to go home and get my registration paper I made it back to the testing cite with 10 minutes to spare. Whew, that was a close one! After that I think I did pretty well on all parts of the exam. I won't get my results for a couple of weeks. Get this, the Confirmation Of Attendance sheet that they hand out after the exam says, " When can I expect to receive my score? For this test window (April-May-June, 2004), you can expect to receive your score after July 1, 2004." Ummm....No shit, considering it's July 10th. God I hope I don't have to take this section again....my brain hurts and I'm going to take a nap.


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