
My Upcoming Vacation

I have taken Wednesday thru Friday off for vacation. My decision for a vacation is somewhat limited due to distance and funds, since I'm poor because I spend my money on CPA exams, technology and beer...oh wait, I mean giving all my disposable income to the needy and refusing to accept more money from my employer because I don't want to feel like I'm overpaid..."SLAP"...Ok, I digress. Actually I'm really looking forward to my vacation. I've decided on a mountain biking theme, since mountain biking is one of my favorite passions. The following, but not limited to, is what I will try to accomplish:

..and to do so by going to:

Sun Top:

Miller Peak:

OK, yeah there may also be some beer involved along the way :)

Also, I will try out something new on this site by posting some audioblogs via my cell to keep you kids informed.


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