
Sunday Sun Top Ride

Today I decided to ride Sun Top. Sun Top definitely lived up to its name because it was a nice sunny and clear day as you can see from the pictures I took. I'm very glad that I did this ride because I've been wanting to do this ride for a long time. The grueling 5 mile road climb was definitely worth it.

On the top of the mountain I was very fortunate and found that two fellow BBTC members were at the top having lunch. One of the members was from the St. Helens ride I did last month. It was nice to see her again. More good luck came my way because just as I was finishing my lunch three other BBTC members showed up! Two of members were also from the St. Helens ride.

We all descended down the trail which also had some good views. Mostly the ride down had some awesome roller-coaster single track with few places of severe exposure. Midway we split into two groups. One group taking the White Water trail, and the group that I went with rode the Skookum Flats trail.

22.5 miles in total. Well worth every drop of sweat and sore muscles.

My new motto: "Do all that you can do now. You may not be able to in the future and you will wish that you had done it when you could."

Finished the evening watching The Passion Of The Christ, which I have not yet seen. I Thought that it was a very powerful movie. Definitely depicts the dualism of people's good and evil.


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